Strategic Partners



At the 31st Ordinary Session of the Assembly of African Union Heads of State and Government in Nouakchott, Mauritania, June 2018, a decision was taken to transform the NEPAD Planning and Coordination Agency into the African Union Development Agency-NEPAD (AUDA-NEPAD), a development agency of the African Union. The establishment of AUDA-NEPAD was part of the global reforms geared at improving the Union’s impact and operational efficiency.

The mandate of the Africa Union Development Agency-NEPAD (AUDA-NEPAD) is to:

  • Coordinate and Execute priority regional and continental projects to promote regional integration towards the accelerated realisation of Agenda 2063; and
  • Strengthen capacity of African Union Member States and regional bodies,
  • Advance knowledge-based advisory support,
  • Undertake the full range of resource mobilisation and
  • Serve as the continent’s technical interface with all Africa’s development stakeholders and development partners.

The AUDA-NEPAD mandate gives the organisation a wider role in terms of providing knowledge-based advisory support to AU Member States in the pursuit of their national development priorities.


The Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP) connects the two continents to facilitate the achievement of universal access to affordable, sustainable, and modern energy in Africa. It does this by supporting and informing relevant political processes and initiatives across the two continents, by mapping, monitoring, and convening relevant actions and stakeholders, and by enhancing data and knowledge for decision-making.

 Launched by African and European Heads of State in 2007 at the AU-EU Summit in Portugal, the AEEP acts as the dialogue arm of the Africa EU Green Energy Initiative (AEGEI). This initiative aims to enhance electricity production from renewable sources and broaden access to energy across Africa, while promoting energy efficiency and supporting regulatory reforms to create a favourable environment for private investment.


The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy

In 2019, the Department Mineral Resources (DMR) and Department of Energy (DoE) were merged to become one department namely, the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE). The Department forms part of the Economic Sectors, Investment, Employment and Infrastructure Development (ESIEID) Cluster which focus on creating a conducive environment for investment, growth, and job creation as well as provide for State participation and economic transformation of the country.

The mission of the Department is to regulate, transform, and promote the minerals and energy sectors, providing sustainable and affordable energy for growth and development, and ensuring that all South Africans derive sustainable benefit from the country’s mineral wealth.

The vision of the Department is to be a leader in the transformation of South Africa through economic growth and sustainable development in the mining and energy sectors.

The Department aims to develop a mineral resources and energy sector that promotes economic growth and development, social equity, and environmental sustainability.

Several Acts regulate the mining, minerals, and energy sectors. Key among these are:

  • The Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (2002), which provides the regulatory framework for equitable access to and the sustainable development of mineral resources and related matters.
  • The Mine Health and Safety Act (1996), which governs mine health and safety.
  • The National Energy Act (2008), which empowers the minister to plan for and ensure the security of supply for the energy sector.
  • The Petroleum Products Act (1977), which regulates the petroleum industry at the manufacturing, wholesale, and retail levels.
  • The Electricity Regulation Act (2006), which establishes a national regulatory framework for the electricity supply industry, including registration and licensing.

Growing a globally competitive and transformed mineral and energy resources sector


The South African Electrotechnical Export Council (SAEEC)

The South African Electrotechnical Export Council (SAEEC) is a nonprofit organisation, Public-Private Partnership between South African business and the Department of Trade and Industry. Our members are South African registered companies in Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology.


  • Facilitate the export growth for our members
  • Act as a gateway for companies to identify South African suppliers and partners
  • Coordinate the export marketing efforts of the sector
  • Provide a link to Government
  • Promote the South African Electrotechnical sector internationally

The South African Oil & Gas Alliance (SAOGA)

The South African Oil & Gas Alliance (SAOGA) is dedicated to promoting the upstream and midstream sectors of the oil and gas value chain, primarily in South Africa and regionally in Southern Africa. Our aim is to be the primary facilitator servicing the upstream and mid-stream sectors of the oil and gas value chain across Sub-Saharan Africa, attracting investment and developing capacity within the region to service and supply the oil and gas industry, for the benefit of all stakeholders and valued members. In parallel we aim to provide the Sub-Saharan oil and gas industry and our members with a comprehensive platform, driving growth of the oil and gas industry through skills development, local knowledge, geographic location and maximising government, institutional and private business resources.



AfIDA is an association of project developers, investors, DFIs and adviser that seeks to promote better outcomes for energy and infrastructure project development activities in Africa. Our members account for about $ 60 billion invested across the African infra and energy sector (about 1/3rd of all private capital). Our primary focus is to address the persistent investment gap by providing an eco-system for project development, and facilitate constructive dialogue between the public, private and wider stakeholder base. We also run a Catapult Accelerator for project developers of energy and infrastructure to promote better outcomes in speed, scale, and quality of investments. We currently have 17 start-ups raising $ 5.0 billion for their first projects covering energy, telecoms and new-cities. In 2023, AfIDA launched its project development & finance training program, and over 350 executives participated in these events in Cairo, Lagos and Accra.