Endorsing Partners

The South African National Energy Association (SANEA)

The South African National Energy Association (SANEA) has as its vision “Energy People Working Together”. This vision is exercised through the active participation of some 400 SANEA members. SANEA is active in the energy sector in South Africa and the “SANEA” Brand is known in all energy spheres. The SANEA membership consists of organizations and individuals with an interest in the broad energy sector, such as Eskom, BHP Billiton, Exxaro Resources, Sasol, NERSA, Engen, Accenture, University of Cape Town Business School and the likes.

The Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies (CRSES)​

The Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies (CRSES) facilitates and stimulates studies and research in renewable and sustainable energy at Stellenbosch University. CRSES is also the home of the Specialisation Centre in Renewable Energy which focuses primarily on the integration of renewable energy technologies into the national electricity grid, as part of the Eskom Power Plant Engineering Institute (EPPEI).

Italian-South African Chamber of Trade and Industries

ItalCham is a strong and agile NPO that represents the local Italian-South African business community and supports any commercial activity between Italy and South Africa. As a bridge between Italian and South African business, we provide vital knowledge, contacts and tailor-made assistance to companies exploring the prospects of bilateral trade between the two countries. The Chamber offers a diverse array of services and is able to provide incisive advice on the South African and Italian markets. We are extremely effective with assisting and representing small to medium businesses which do not yet have the funds to establish an office abroad.

The South African Oil Gas Alliance (SAOGA)​

The SAAEE was established in 2018 as the South African chapter of the International Association for Energy Economics. The first Bylaws was approved in February 2018. The SAAEE expertise is in energy economics and policy, with a focus on the South African energy sector, its linkage with the world energy markets, climate policies and the future energy scene. The SAAEE does not represent any sector of the industry, and does not promote certain technologies without scientific evidence. The discussions promote a variety of views to confront the current energy challenges that South Africa faces. The Association receives no public funding and is dependent on membership subscriptions from individuals and companies and event sponsorship to keep going.

South African Association for Energy Economics (SAAEE)​

The SAAEE was established in 2018 as the South African chapter of the International Association for Energy Economics. The first Bylaws was approved in February 2018. The SAAEE expertise is in energy economics and policy, with a focus on the South African energy sector, its linkage with the world energy markets, climate policies and the future energy scene. The SAAEE does not represent any sector of the industry, and does not promote certain technologies without scientific evidence. The discussions promote a variety of views to confront the current energy challenges that South Africa faces. The Association receives no public funding and is dependent on membership subscriptions from individuals and companies and event sponsorship to keep going.

The Institute of Energy Professionals Africa (IEPA)​



The Institute of Energy Professionals Africa (IEPA) Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) was called to service by the international certification body the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) for the Sub-Sahara Africa region in 2020.

AEE has global presence in over 100 countries, with 18,000+ professionals holding over 32,000+ certifications. The IEPA team fulfils the task of representing AEE in the region with the same staff, trainers and services that delegates, and organisations have become accustomed to over the past 18 years of representation in the region of the AEE.

IEPA provides credible, recognised and high-quality accredited skills programs to the Sub-Saharan African market and facilitates continuous development of the trained individuals through internation­ally recognised certification programs.

Services include training, proctoring international examinations, facilitating the certification and cer­tification renewal of professionals, developing chapters, overseeing the quality-of-service delivery of partners, and managing capacity building projects in the energy and resource efficiency industries in the Sub-Saharan African region. This service is done under license of the AEE.

Frost & Sullivan​

Frost & Sullivan is a global strategy consulting and market intelligence firm with a long-standing presence in Africa. Frost & Sullivan helps organisations advance by informing them of market dynamics, advising on how to respond to these dynamics, and connecting them to relevant stakeholders in Africa and beyond.

Our services span the broader policy and strategy cycle leveraging our proactive commercial and technical research relevant to our sectors of focus to develop actionable intelligence for organisations.  Given our combination focus on strategy and intelligence, Frost & Sullivan is ideally placed to support commercial and technically relevant market intelligence initiatives for a diverse set of institutions within our sectors of focus.  Frost & Sullivan’s range of process capabilities will ensure a pragmatic approach to developing practical and detailed initiatives with the strongest possible longer-term impact on the African continent.



CIGRE is a global, non-profit organization founded in 1921, dedicated to advancing power system expertise through collaboration. Its mission is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, develop technical information, and provide high-quality publications to address the challenges in electric power systems. With a network of 61 National Committees, CIGRE supports engineers worldwide, sharing insights on system development, operation, and equipment management. CIGRE Southern Africa is one of these committees, focusing on the region’s needs while contributing to the broader goals of CIGRE globally. Thousands of professionals volunteer to share their knowledge for the benefit of the industry.

The Southern African Gas Association (SAGA)​

The Southern African Gas Association (SAGA) ensures all industry stakeholders in the oil and gas environment provide safe and efficient downstream operations to users in the domestic, commercial and industrial markets within Southern Africa. SAGA strives to meet the needs of the gas industry, end-users, and the general public by promoting and instilling a climate conducive to safety. The association’s core focus is creating awareness, sharing relevant knowledge and encouraging compliance, this is in line with its mandate to create a safe efficient environment. SAGA looks to develop the skills of gas practitioners and to ensure a high degree of technical expertise in personnel knowledge and equipment safety.

Through the Department of Labour’s mandate SAGA administers the Safe Gas Equipment Scheme (SGES), which promotes the safe use of registered equipment to industry stakeholders and serving as a one-stop shop for product technical and safety-related enquiries. SAGA is one of the four gas associations that form the South African Qualification and Certification Committee (SAQCC Gas), a Committee responsible to register competent gas practitioners within the Department of Labour’s mandate.

Africa House​

Africa House is a South African based research and consulting company working exclusively in sub-Saharan Africa offering a suite of services designed to maximise client opportunity in the region through insight and access into the African trade and project environment, delivering intelligence on projects and bespoke research on opportunities in markets. We have been operating for 25 years assisting clients access the world’s fastest growing markets through a team that has worked in 40 countries across the continent over a period spanning over 30 years.

The African Forum for Utility Regulators

The African Forum for Utility Regulators (AFUR) focuses on issues related to the regulation of energy, telecommunications, transport, and water & sanitation industries, with a particular emphasis on issues that are common across sectors (but not necessarily limited to the primary focus sectors)

AFUR is regarded as a key building block in the efforts of the African Union and its socio-economic programme, the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) in the integration and rebirth of Africa. AFUR’s vision and objectives are derived from Clause 110 of the NEPAD Framework Document, which recognises the establishment of the African Forum for Utility Regulation and regional regulatory associations.

The OSGP Alliance

The OSGP Alliance is the global non-profit association dedicated to promoting the adoption of the Open Smart Grid Protocol (OSGP) and infrastructure for smart grid applications towards a future proof modern smart grid. With a key focus on security, smart metering, smart grid, grid analytics, distribution network management and smart cities our members, including utilities, hardware manufacturers, service providers and system integrators, all share a common goal and vision:promoting open standards for energy demand side management, smart grid and smart metering systems.


ALER is a NGDO (Non-Governmental Development Organisation) with the mission to promote renewable energies in portuguese-speaking countries.

The Association facilitates business opportunities by supporting the private sector and attracting financing and investment, by liasing with national and international authorities to create a favourable regulatory framework, and by coordinating all stakeholders, acting as a cooperation platform and the common voice of renewable energies in portuguese-speaking countries.


AFSIA is the reference association for solar professionals in Africa. The association is headquartered in Kigali, Rwanda, and carries out solar-related activities and programs across Africa.

Its regional coverage stretches from Egypt to South-Africa, from Cape Verde to Madagascar.

AFSIA promotes solar power in the African region from large-scale grid-connected projects to off-grid solar home systems, through hybrid systems including diesel and storage to solar water pumping, solar stoves, or solar water heaters.

AFSIA organizes networking opportunities for solar professionals and gives them access to the right information and the right network to expand their business and strengthen the solar industry across the continent.

The Alliance for Rural Electrification​

The Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE) is an international business association that promotes a sustainable decentralised renewable energy industry for the 21st century, activating markets for affordable energy services, and creating local jobs and inclusive economies.

The Kenya Renewable Energy Association (KEREA)

The Kenya Renewable Energy Association (KEREA) is an independent non-profit association dedicated to facilitating the growth and development of renewable energy business in Kenya.

KEREA was formed in August 2002 by members of the Renewable Energy Resources Technical Committee of the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) and is registered under section 10 of the societies act.

Amongst its key roles are promoting the interests of members of the renewable energy industry among government, public sector, the general public and any other organizations that may impact on the development of the industry; and the creation of a forum for the dissemination and exchange of information and ideas on matters relating to renewable energy development and utilization in Kenya.

The SAQCC Gas​

The SAQCC Gas (South African Qualification and Certification Committee for Gas) has been officially appointed and mandated by the Department of Employment and Labour to register gas practitioners, on their behalf, within the following gas industries:

• Natural Gas
• Liquefied Petroleum Gas
• Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Gas
• Compressed Industrial and Medical Gases

The Member Associations are:

LPGSA – Liquefied Petroleum Gas Association of South Africa
SACGA – Southern Africa Compressed Gases Association
* SARACCA – South African Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Contractors Association
SAGA – Southern African Gas Association

The World Energy Congress

The World Energy Congress is the most prestigious and influential global energy event of our time, convening a dynamic community of over 7,000 international energy leaders and stakeholders.

For 100 years, the World Energy Congress has convened the cooperative power of the world energy community to turn inspiration into action. ​Taking place from 22-25 April 2024 in Rotterdam and co-hosted by the World Energy Council and the Government of the Netherlands, the 26th World Energy Congress is a critical turning point for clean and inclusive energy transitions worldwide and an opportunity to design and deliver better energy futures.

The Solar Industry Association of Zambia

The Solar Industry Association of Zambia aims to represent solar dealers and developers in Zambia. SIAZ is an action-oriented platform for the private sector within the off-grid solar industry that provides input and guidance in the sector and supports the government in ensuring universal electrification. SIAZ’s goal is to foster a sustainable and prosperous solarenergy sector that contributes significantly to Zambia’s energy independence, economic growth, and environmental preservation. Furthermore, our mission is to represent andpromote the interests of the solar industry in Zambia through Advocacy, Education and Awareness, Industry Development, Market Expansion and Capacity Building.

Energy Council of South Africa

South Africa’s energy sector is facing numerous challenges, all contributing to our current energy crisis and with a direct bearing on our country’s future. We must decisively deal with energy security and load shedding, whilst urgently securing broad sector reforms and accelerating large-scale investment.

The Energy Council aims to enable a unified strategy and vision for a South African energy transition pathway that will also support clean industrialisation and global competitiveness, address our economic and social deficits and importantly contribute to a sustainable environment. The Energy Council has become a leading voice in the energy sector, representing both public and private business as we strive to be a strategic engagement partner to government and a positive force for change.

The Energy Council also plays a leading role in the business engagement under the Presidential Energy Action Plan (EAP) and we support the broader business-government partnership and CEO pledge, being led by BUSA and Business for SA (BSA). In doing this work, we rely on the support of our members, both financially and through direct participation in our multiple forums, where we address strategic and technical issues across the sector.

The FutureCoal Global Alliance​

FutureCoal is the Global Alliance for Sustainable Coal and the world’s only coal multi-lateral and neutral representative organisation.

FutureCoal represents a fresh and united coalition of coal leaders across the globe and value chains dedicated to building a sustainable future for coal through genuine transformation.

Our organisation recognises that the continued total coal contribution cannot be ignored but equally it can only be secured by integrating a modernised, innovative and technology led UNITED coal value chain, focused on continuing to make a substantial future contribution to people’s lives and livelihoods.

The African Rail Industry Association (ARIA)

The African Rail Industry Association (ARIA), previously known as the RailRoad Association, is an industry body that represents Original Equipment Manufacturers, rail operators and rail component manufacturers. Our representation includes rail and associated industries, including mining, agriculture, automotive, and the broader transport and logistics sector.

ARIA is a fully-fledged Export Council established and supported by the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition. The Export Council is committed to creating opportunities for the South African industry on the continent and globally.


The unified voice of business which serves to keep business interests at the heart of economic and socio-economic policy.

Apex body, formed in 2003, leveraging on the role that organised business played in a peaceful transition to democracy.

Represents business with Government and Labour and in NEDLAC
Work closely with the CEO Initiative, the ERP Process, the NBI, and the BBC

BUSA represents SA on the SADC Private Sector Forum, Business Africa, ILO and globally on the G20, and International Organisation of Employers and with Business Organisation counterparts across the globe and a member of Business at OECD (BIAC). Enabling business co-operation within the rest of Africa, South-South, BRICS and Internationally.


WLGA is the authoritative voice of the global Liquid Gas industry representing the full Liquid Gas value chain. The primary goal of the Association is to add value to the sector by driving premium demand for Liquid Gas, while also promoting compliance to good business and safety practices. 


KEPSA is the apex organization of the private sector in Kenya.

KEPSA brings together local and foreign business associations, chambers of commerce, professional bodies, corporates from multinational companies, medium, SMEs, and start-ups from all sectors of the economy to enable them to speak with one voice when engaging government, development partners and other stakeholders on cross-cutting policy issues and programs for Social – Economic Development of the Country.

It also supports businesses with opportunities for training, networking, financial linkages, mentorship and coaching, access to markets, value chains, and access to investment opportunities inbound and outbound globally.

Through its widespread membership categories that represent over 1,000,000 businesses, KEPSA brings these businesses under one umbrella.


The South African Petroleum Industry Association (SAPIA) is a trade organisation representing the main petroleum and liquefied petroleum gas companies in South Africa.

SAPIA plays a strategic role in addressing a range of common issues relating to the refining, distribution and marketing of petroleum and LPG products, as well as promoting the industry’s environmental and socio-economic progress. SAPIA fulfills this role by proactively engaging with key stakeholders, providing research information, expert advice and communicating the industry’s views to government, members of the public and media.

South African Stainless Steel Development Association (SASSDA)

Sassda is an association of more than 200 members, involved in the manufacturing of a variety of stainless steel products, or in the servicing of the stainless steel industry. Sassda members supply products and services, meeting international standards, throughout Africa.

Sassda offers its members a comprehensive range of marketing and market development assistance, as well as a comprehensive technical advice service. If the enquiry requires more in depth investigation, members are referred to other professional organisations that provide such services for a fee.


Tanzania Women in Energy Development (TAWOED) is a registered Non-profit and non-governmental organization (NGO) under the Tanzania non-government organization act of 2002 with registration number 00NGO/R/973. TAWOED aims to enhance women participation in the energy sector for social protection and economic empowerment.

We are a network of professional women from the energy sector ranging from both graduate and professional engineers, Consultants, gender specialists and energy businesswomen. Our work ranges from research, consultancy, capacity building training, innovation, job placement and entrepreneurship for women.


African Sustainable Energy Association (AFSEA) represents and actively promotes Renewable Energy Solutions in the Continent. Our focus is on the whole industry; Wind, Solar, Biomas, Biogas, Bio Fuels, Green Products, Energy Efficiency, Alternative Energy, Energy from Waste, Fuel Cell Technologies etc.

Our mission for AFSEA is to provide great insight into the African Sustainable Energy market by bringing companies from around the world together so they may prosper and gain the knowledge needed to expedite the implementation of renewable energy as a significant source of energy.

AFSEA advocate policy development at decision making government level. We also promote understanding of the industry and its potential through tools such as industry events, forums, conferences, newsletters and publications, our objective is to provide access to information that can affect today’s clean energy industries as much as tomorrow’s world.

We organize top management events and forums creating a networking platform for companies across the world.  Our members include research institutes, developers, contractors, consultants, suppliers and members of the public dedicated to building a greener planet.


The Association for Renewable Energy Practitioners (AREP) is a non-profit quality assurance organisation reg. nr. 224-033 NPO, created to promote the adoption of Renewable Energy. As the fastest-growing renewable energy industry body in South Africa with more than 3500 members to date, AREP is in a unique position to positively influence this rapidly growing industry through its focus on quality assurance. AREP primarily serves SMMEs, through sharing relevant industry information and offering affordable Solar PV accreditation in the form of the P4 quality assurance program.

AREP’s P4 is an industry-driven quality assurance programme applicable to the complete Solar PV (Photovoltaic) value chain. The program was created to address the need; to improve the standard of solar PV installations and reduce the risks associated with financing, insuring and operating solar PV Systems. It aims to ensure that solar PV installations are designed, installed, and operated to the highest standards, delivering reliable, efficient and safe power generation for customers while adhering to local and international standards, best practices, and guidelines.

The Randburg Chamber of Commerce & Industry

The Randburg Chamber of Commerce & Industry boasts more than 6 decades of support to local businesses. Our mandate is to facilitate connectivity and opportunities for business. We offer support at Municipal, Provincial and Government levels on issues affecting business as well as social and service delivery matters. Our main focus is SME development, upliftment and support for business in all spheres in SA, SADC and into Africa. We offer Electronic Certificates of Origin, utilizing our own SA designed system with excellent training and support. Businesses are encouraged to work and communicate with the Chamber to enable us to service them better.


Renewable Energy Industries Association of Malawi (REIAMA) is a national industry association for all renewable energy sectors in Malawi. REIAMA was founded in 1999 and registered in 2000.

Vision: To become the most efficient and reliable centre for information, research and promotion of all renewable energy technologies in Malawi benefitting end users, members and all stakeholders

Mission: To promote efficient and sustainable use of renewable energy technologies in Malawi to the satisfaction of the end users and all stakeholders

Sectors: Solar, hydro, wind, biomass/biogas, geothermal, hydrogen, clean and efficient cookstoves and other new technologies

South African Mineral Processing Equipment Cluster (SAMPEC)​

The South African Mineral Processing Equipment Cluster (SAMPEC) represents the full value chain of the minerals processing sector from EPCM’s, equipment manufacturers, component manufacturers and related service providers, and serves as the ‘voice’ and platform for addressing and responding to key issues affecting the sustainability and positive development of the sector.

Cross sector collaboration including government, industry associations, state owned companies, financial institutions and universities ensures a unified objective, with national policy that upholds this objective. 

SAMPEC is mandated by its members to increase opportunities for local supply to the South African mining sector, thereby creating economies-of-scale and positively influencing its members’ global competitiveness.

Steel Tube Export Association Of South Africa (Steasa)

The Steel Tube Export Association of South Africa has been established to develop sustainable, internationally competitive carbon steel tube and pipe manufacturing export markets for South African manufacturers, which meets the broader national objectives of job creation, industry transformation, beneficiated export growth and wealth creation through effectively utilising all resources available within the industry to promote sustainable export growth capabilities and value for existing manufacturers and to facilitate entry into international markets by new entrants.

The Maritime Business Chamber (MBC)

The Maritime Business Chamber (MBC) has positioned itself as the advocacy voice of the Maritime Industry by providing business support, promoting sustainable jobs and skills development and lobbying for business opportunities and sustainability (balance socio-economic and environmental issues in the Maritime industry).

Vision: ‘To be a leading, inclusive, progressive and transformative chamber for developingcompetent and sustainable maritime enterprises.’

Mission: ‘To be a leading partner in offering maritime services that promote socio-economic growth and maritime industry capacity building.’

Our sectors of focus include: Shipping, Ports, Shipbuilding with the shipbuilding supply industry, Marine engineering, Offshore Oil and Gas, Offshore Wind Energy, Fisheries, Aquaculture and Maritime Research and Development.

Our core function is on SMME develop & ensuring Maritime for US ALL!


IGUA-SA is the leading association for gas users in South Africa with its primary objective to ensure the efficient availability of hydrocarbon gas in Southern Africa to meet significant and growing demand for natural gas. It’s mandate focuses on gas energy security, gas policy and gas pricing. Its members are leading industrial gas users in South Africa across various economic sectors that include mining, paper and pulp, FMCG, glass, ceramics, construction, steel etc. contributing more than R300 billion/a to the South African economy and employing over 70,000 people currently.

The International Trade Council

The International Trade Council is a peak-body chamber of commerce committed to advancing global trade by reducing barriers and promoting commerce through education and networking. We advocate for free trade, believing it stimulates economic growth, creates jobs, and enhances living standards worldwide. Guided by transparent regulations, we champion open markets and fair competition, promoting trade liberalization. Our mission is to assist members in navigating international trade complexities by offering simplified processes and essential resources. With chapters in 28 countries and a diverse membership spanning 179 nations, we provide global support, making us a truly international organization.

The International Geothermal Association (IGA)

The International Geothermal Association (IGA) is a global organization supporting the geothermal sector in delivering the future of clean energy; currently the IGA has 7,000 members, representing 88 countries.

At the IGA, our mission is to advocate for and promote the sustainable utilization and development of geothermal resources worldwide. We are committed to shaping a future where geothermal energy is a key contributor to global energy transition and climate change mitigation. Our multifaceted approach encompasses the key areas of Training and Capacity Building, Communication and Outreach, Geothermal Standards, Sustainability and Innovation, Finance and Investment.

The South African Oil Gas Alliance (SAOGA)​

The South African Oil Gas Alliance (SAOGA) is the premier Oil and Gas and Energy related industry body in South Africa and Sub Saharan Africa. We are dedicated to developing and promoting a world class upstream and midstream oil and gas and related energy value chain, primarily in South Africa and regionally in Sub-Saharan Africa. We exist for our members. The organisation operates as a partnership between the public and private sectors.

The South African Institute of Electrical Engineers (SAIEE)

The South African Institute of Electrical Engineers (SAIEE), formed in 1909, has grown to more than 7000 members. Members are professionally engaged in the full range of engineering activities, including Academic Research, Manufacturing, Electronics, Telecommunications, Measurement and Control, Mining and Power Services.

A SAIEE Member makes meaningful contributions to the quality of life in communities and to the steady advancement of technology. Their efforts are acknowledged and world-renowned.

The SAIEE contributes to the common interests and welfare of the whole engineering fraternity through close co-operation with the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA).

Steel and Engineering Industries Federation of Southern Africa (SEIFSA)

The Steel and Engineering Industries Federation of Southern Africa (SEIFSA) represents employers in the metals and engineering sector, lobbying for policies that benefit the industry and negotiating collective agreements on wages and employment conditions. Serving as a critical voice in various business and tri-partite forums, SEIFSA offers a range of services to its members, including advisory, training, and seminars. Founded in 1943, it includes 18 employers’ organizations across diverse sectors, dedicated to fostering a conducive business environment. Its efforts emphasize the importance of unity in advocating for the sector’s interests amidst evolving challenges.

Randburg Chamber of Commerce & Industry (RCCI)

The Randburg Chamber of Commerce & Industry boasts 61 years of support to local businesses.  Our mandate is to facilitate connectivity and opportunities for business.

We offer support at Municipal, Provincial and Government levels on issues affecting business as well as social and service delivery matters. Our main focus is SME development, upliftment and support for business in all spheres in South Africa and in SADC. We offer Electronic Certificates of Origin, utilizing our own SA designed system with excellent training and support. Businesses are encouraged to work and communicate with the chamber to enable us to service them better.


SABIA is a No Profit Organization (NPO) established in 2013 to represent all stakeholders in the biogas industry in Southern Africa. The focus of the association is to identify and address the barriers and challenges faced by the industry, in order for it to develop to its full potential. SABIA intends to promote the needs of industry stakeholders, paving the way to a fruitful and prosperous Biogas Industry in Southern Africa, benefiting the geographic region economically as well as contributing to sustainability.